Also out this week:
A pressure-cooked smorgasbord of diverse inspirations make up Bartees Strange's genre-merging odyssey - slow-burning funk-fuelled struts, riotous guitars, pumping dancefloor beats, and quietly strummed contemplation are all gelled together by an enlightened coherence. And there are a handful of Dinked editions left for the fleet of fingers! Just when we think we've got the Manics pegged, they come back with something like 'Critical Thinking' and completely sideswipe our expectations - it's an optimistic, dare we say joyous, outing that lets rip with tsunami-sized choruses and fretboard runs that could tickle the Sun. Leaping in a Mercedes Coupe and throttling it for the horizon, The Delines dish out laidback licks that oh-so-smoothly soundtrack a trouble-crossed runaway pair as they dodge their way out of dodge, leaving a song in our hearts and burnt rubber in their wake. And not only did The Cure blow everyone away with their brand new album at the business end of '24, but they popped up with a rare intimate performance of the record too! For those of us who weren't fortunate enough to attend, this is the next best thing: a near-perfect recording of the night in question - it's enough to get the hairs on the back of your neck reaching for the stars. Elsewhere, fresh from toilet-papering our shop, Lambrini Girls' debut EP has returned to the racks tp-free, flat-capped fella Louis Dunford's debut has landed and he'll be premiering it right here with a double instore tonight! Rizzle Kicks will always be winners in our hearts and they'll also be meeting & greeting you fine folk in the shop next Wednesday! The much-missed Andrew Weatherall's club night A Love From Outer Space has appeared in compilation form just in time for Valentine's Day, you can snag The Orb's triplet for Kompakt, we're back on the Autobahn with Kraftwerk, and The Wombats are sharing their watery surprise with a fancy new poster plus digital download!