Their commitment to carefully manipulated melancholic milieu has been winning new fans amongst the Residents with our many repeat listens
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The trio at the heart of Moin is a collaboration from which dreams are spun. One of the finest artists ever to pick up a pair of drumsticks – Valentina Magaletti – links up with the duo of Joe Andrews and Tom Halstead, who were responsible for an entire underground cave network of dense atmosphere as cult outfit, Raime
For those already initiated through previous releases, ‘Moot!’ and ‘Paste’, ‘You Never End’ continues to revel in technical, rhythmic complexities and skeletal post-punk. Locked, single-minded, and determined, their commitment to carefully manipulated melancholic milieu has been winning new fans amongst the Residents with our many repeat listens. This comes highly and earnestly recommended.
Guest features are expertly selected, with the expansive vocal talents of heavyweights Coby Sey, James K, Olan Monk, and the astounding Qatari artist Sophia Al-Maria piling in for a few rounds. Their lyrical deliveries elevating already cloud-bursting instrumentals into mystical reveries that spark synapses, defy genre and ought only to be discussed in bouts of unbridled adulation.
We just wish this record would never end.
For Fans Of: Holy Tongue / Goat (jp) / Coby Sey / Gnod / Tomaga / Raime / James K
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